Titre : Construire un Etat démocratique RDC : du concept d’Etat à la conception du pouvoir
Auteur (s) : Jean-Macaire MUNZELE Munzimi et Abel NSOLO
Abstract :
The article addresses the challenges facing the Democratic Republic of Congo, highlighting the exploitation of resources by foreign actors. It advocates for a historical analysis to understand the foundations of the state and democracy, emphasizing the gap between Western political practices and African values. Proposing a democratic state rooted in Congolese society, the text explores the failures of successive regimes, notably the period of Mobutu, marked by economic and political decay. Discussing rebellions and conflicts, it argues for a restructuring of the state based on African reality, the promotion of collective identities, and the necessity of an engaged elite. The conclusion underscores the need for a change in mentality, questioning negative values, and a thoughtful approach to build a democratic state that meets the needs of Congolese society.
Editeur : RECOSH
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