Titre : Consommation, dépenses publiques, investissements et production en RDC. Analyse des effets boomerang
Auteur (s) : Gaylord Mindongo Nivulije et Bobo B. Kabungu
Abstract :
Macroeconomic analysis is interested, among other things, in the relationships between the main aggregates in order to guide the decision-maker as to the use of one variable to act on another and achieve the expected results. This study falls within this perspective. Using the Structural Autoregressive Vector (SVAR), it empirically verifies, for data from 1960 to 2015, the feedback effects between consumption, public expenditure, gross fixed capital formation and GDP of the Congolese economy. It shows that the influences differ from one variable to another and that time modifies the short-term results, the economic theories being more in tune with the long-term realities in the DRC.
Editeur : RECOSH
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