

Titre : Analyse des connaissances, pratiques et perceptions de la consommation du sel des marécages et ses effets sur la santé dans la communauté Matamba: cas des marécages salés de Matamba, province de Lomami en RDC

Auteur (s) : Bobo B. Kabungu

Abstract :

Does the DRC’s trade balance contribute to quality growth in the country? This is the research question addressed in this paper. To answer this question, two approaches were adopted: the first, econometrically based, enabled us to develop two models (VAR and multiple regression), and the second, more analytical, specifying trends in exports, imports and their balances. The result is that trade (in value terms) between the DRC and the rest of the world is not causally linked to either economic activity or gross domestic production per capita, and vice versa. The least squares method, for its part, demonstrated that a 1.0% increase in trade would boost economic growth by 0.092%. This impact is further reduced when we consider the annual variation in GDP/capita to better capture the inclusive dimension, a proxy for quality growth, with a coefficient of just 0.089. Furthermore, a study of the evolution of Congolese exports has shown that their share of the world total has never reached 1.0%, and dependence on subsoil products remains glaringly high, with dependence on diamonds having been replaced by a preponderance of copper, while other goods and services are virtually residual.

Editeur : RECOSH

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